- Service Information
Started Feb 17
195 British pounds£195
Monday 17th February
7.15pm to 8.15pm
Service Description
Due to annual leave the course breaks for weeks 17th and 24th March - the course will therefore roll on to the 7th April to compensate. Who would be best for this course: Graduates of puppy certificate who want a well-trained adult dog and wish to continue their own and their dog's education. The intermediate level of training is often the most challenging phase of training, at around 6 months the puppy moves out of the imprinting phase of learning and owners often believe at around 6 months that they have finished the job, the reality is, this is when the real nuts and bolts of training begin as the teenager emerges! By doing a good job in the imprinting phase we have set ourselves up for making this transition as smooth as possible, but there will be challenges. What else will your dogs learn? Well, we shall be building on and advancing exercises that we have already learnt... - Walk to heel on and off the lead with the distraction of other dogs - How to use your normal body language to teach your dog to stay close - Come to call under increasingly difficult circumstances - Sit and down stays - More off-lead exercises when ready - Retrieve - More distance in the exercises and longer bursts as the puppy grows - Increasing class social exercises to reinforce training for real life Week one: Goal setting Heelwork - How we can use our body language to teach our dogs to stay close at heel on straight lines and turns Distance control how to introduce distance to the training Sit Stay Week 2: Heelwork close and don’t forget the loose lead too! More body language for close heel training Watch at heel Weave around other dogs and handlers Sit and down stay Short recall as group Introduce tying up Week 3: Heelwork Watch at heel Weave around other dogs and handlers Awareness of turns on spot or moving Stays & Retrieve Tying up Week 4: Dog swap Distance control Off lead recall from stay Meet and greet exercises Week 5: Introduce distance control with and without hand signals More meet and greet exercises teaching dogs not to jump up at new people Run through for a test Week 6: Test & Awarding of Certificates Good training support is vital for you both to ensure you create the well-trained adult dog that you asked for at the start of the puppy course. The good news is we can now start to be more demanding and raise our expectations as the puppy improves!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please be aware Course fees & deposits are non-refundable & non-transferable, if you are purchasing a place on a course with limited places you cannot transfer to a different time or class after the course has commenced, as this is too disruptive for the other group. However should a course be cancelled or a start date postponed you are fully entitled to a full refund if you cannot make the new dates.
Contact Details
Great Easton Village Hall, The Endway, Great Easton, Dunmow CM6 2HF, UK